10k Results

Provisional race results are usually available pretty much immediately, thanks to modern technology.  Once the race is over and any adjustments have been made, the results are finalised. This may take a few days.

In a year with no chip timing, you will get one time – the ‘gun time’. This is the time from when the race starts to when you cross the finish line. In a year when we use chip timing but only have a timing mat at the finish, you will again get one time – the gun time. If there is chip timing with a timing mat at both start and finish, then you will see in the results that you have two times. The first is your gun time. The other is your ‘chip time’ and is the difference between you crossing the start line and crossing the finish line. In all scenarios, prizes are given out based on the gun time.

To view the results, click on one of these years to open the results PDF:

2023, 2022, 2021, no race in 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015